Lambourn Almshouses: Fundraising Policy
1. Introduction
The Lambourn Almshouses is dedicated to providing housing and support for those in need. Fundraising is essential to achieving this mission, and this policy outlines our approach to ensure that fundraising activities meet legal, ethical, and social responsibilities.
This policy aims to:
- Safeguard the charity’s reputation by guiding decisions on funding opportunities.
- Provide clarity on the types of organisations and individuals the charity will partner with in its fundraising efforts.
Trustees and the Clerk are responsible for understanding and adhering to this policy, always acting in the best interests of the charity.
2. Legal and Ethical Standards
The Lambourn Almshouses will:
- Respect supporters’ rights to clear, accurate information about the charity’s work and how donations are spent.
- Comply with Charity Commission guidance, UK fundraising laws, and relevant legislation, including anti-money laundering and the Bribery Act.
- Manage donors’ information in line with data protection laws.
3. Acceptance of Donations
The charity welcomes donations and partnerships that:
- Provide clear benefits to the charity’s beneficiaries.
- Do not harm the charity’s reputation or independence.
- Do not attempt to influence the charity’s policies or actions.
Donations will be declined if they:
- Are linked to criminal activity, human rights abuses, or illegal practices.
- Conflict with the charity’s values or objectives.
- Could result in a loss of public trust, damage to the charity’s reputation, or a decline in future funding.
Trustees will review potential donations to ensure they align with the charity’s mission, and all decisions will be documented.
4. Gift Aid
The charity will maximise donations by claiming Gift Aid where applicable. Donors will be asked to complete a Gift Aid declaration, and claims will be made to HMRC in accordance with current legislation.
5. Restricted Donations
Supporters may specify how their donations are to be used through written instructions. The charity will honour these requests.
6. Record Keeping
The charity will maintain records of all donations, including amounts, sources, and any restrictions on their use.
7. Approval
This policy has been approved by the Board of Trustees of The Lambourn Almshouses:

Name: Christian Noll
Position: Chair of Trustees
Date: 1 November 2024