12 August 2024:

The long-anticipated development project to transform the former Methodist Chapel into additional almshouses will commence construction towards the end of August. This project marks a significant milestone for our community and the Lambourn Almshouses, promising to deliver 9 additional much-needed homes for those in need in Lambourn.
With the closure of the Methodist Chapel, the Trustees recognised its potential to further our mission of providing shelter and support. The site was acquired in 2017, strategically positioned between the existing Isbury and Hardrett’s Almshouses. This location allows us to envision a continuous, cohesive stretch of almshouses from Isbury, through the chapel site, and into Hardrett’s.
The chapel, a Grade II listed building, requires a development approach that respects and preserves its historical significance. To this end, we engaged architects to create a sensitive yet functional design. The approved plan includes four apartments within the existing chapel structure, with an additional five apartments in a new building replacing the current schoolroom annex and caretaker’s cottage. The planning approval and Listed Building Consent have been secured, paving the way for us to now begin this transformative work.
Exciting times!

Christian Noll
Chair of the Trustees of the Lambourn Almshouses