Almshouses of John Isbury and Jacob Hardrett – Complaints Policy
1. Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the complaints process is fair, flexible, and responsive to the needs of all complainants. It aims to promote transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in service delivery, in line with up-to-date standards and best practices for housing and charitable organisations.
This policy applies to complaints raised by residents, their carers, families, or representatives of the residents.
2. Policy Objectives
The Almshouses of John Isbury and Jacob Hardrett are committed to:
- Listening to complaints with courtesy and empathy, ensuring all concerns are treated seriously.
- Non-Retaliation: Residents will not face any disadvantage or discrimination as a result of making a complaint.
- Prompt and Thorough Investigations: Complaints will be handled in a timely, honest, and transparent manner.
- Providing Apologies: Where appropriate, apologies will be issued, and steps will be taken to rectify any issues identified.
- Confidentiality and Data Protection: The complaints process will comply with all applicable confidentiality, privacy, and data protection regulations, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
3. What Cannot Be Addressed Through This Policy
The Almshouses of John Isbury and Jacob Hardrett are unable to address the following types of complaints:
- Legal Matters: Complaints that pertain to ongoing legal action or are being handled by a solicitor.
- Anonymous Complaints: Anonymous complaints will not be investigated unless there is sufficient documentary evidence to support the complaint.
4. Informal Complaints Resolution
Residents are encouraged to raise minor concerns informally in the first instance. Often, informal, verbal discussions can lead to a clearer understanding and swift resolution. This informal process encourages direct communication, which may prevent minor concerns from escalating.
5. Formal Complaints Process
If a concern cannot be resolved informally or if the issue is more serious, a formal complaint should be submitted in writing. A written complaint must contain sufficient detail to allow for a proper investigation.
Steps in the Formal Complaint Process:
- Submission: Written complaints should be directed to the Clerk of the Almshouses of John Isbury and Jacob Hardrett.
- Acknowledgement: The Clerk will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within 5 working days, outlining the next steps and expected timescales.
- Investigation: The charity will conduct an investigation, aiming to resolve the complaint promptly. Where possible, a full response will be provided within 20 working days. If a delay occurs, the complainant will be informed, along with an updated timeframe for resolution.
6. Appeals Process
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation, they may submit an appeal in writing within 10 working days of receiving the response. The appeal will be reviewed by the Chair of Trustees, who will convene a special meeting within 15 working days of receiving the appeal.
The Chair of Trustees will respond in writing within 15 working days of the meeting, providing the final decision.
The decision of the Trustees is final and concludes the complaints process.
7. Unreasonable Complaints and Behaviour
The Almshouses of John Isbury and Jacob Hardrett are committed to treating all complainants with respect. However, where a complainant behaves unreasonably—by making excessive demands, using threatening or abusive language, or pursuing complaints unreasonably—the charity reserves the right to take appropriate action, including:
- Limiting Contact: Reducing or restricting future contact with the charity.
- Closing the Complaint: If a complaint is deemed vexatious or the behaviour persists despite warnings, the charity reserves the right to bring the matter to a close.
- Notifying the Complainant: In cases where a complaint is closed, the charity will provide written reasons for its decision.
8. Accessibility and Support
The Almshouses of John Isbury and Jacob Hardrett are committed to ensuring the complaints process is accessible. Residents requiring assistance with the complaints process—due to language barriers, disabilities, or other needs—will be provided with the appropriate support, including alternative formats for documentation and access to interpreters or advocates.
9. Monitoring and Review
The Trustees will review this complaints policy annually or when required to reflect any legislative changes or significant organisational developments. All complaints and their outcomes will be monitored to ensure the charity continues to meet the highest standards of service and accountability.
10. Approval
This policy has been approved by the Board of Trustees of The Lambourn Almshouses:

Name: Christian Noll
Position: Chair of Trustees
Date: 1 November 2024