In order for the Charity to operate efficiently we have created a number of working groups to focus on and manage different aspects of the operation of the Almshouses. Trustees are appointed to working groups and each has a spokesperson who reports to Trustees at the quarterly trustee meetings.
The Residents Well Being Working Group
The Residents Well-being Working Group (AWWG) of The Lambourn Almshouses is established to promote and safeguard the well-being of the Residents and manage the selection and appointment of new residents. The AWWG is responsible for ensuring that the needs of the Residents are met, engaging with them on matters related to their well-being, and maintaining the eligibility and appointment process for new residents.
Development Project Working Group
The Development Project Working Group (DPWG) of The Lambourn Almshouses is established to oversee the development of the Methodist Chapel and surrounding site into 9 new homes for almsmen. The DPWG is responsible for managing the planning, construction, and financial oversight of the project. The group will ensure the project is delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards, while maintaining compliance with all relevant regulations and, wherever possible, stakeholder expectations.
The Finance Working Group
The Finance Working Group (FWG) of The Lambourn Almshouses is established to provide oversight, guidance, and management of the charity’s finances. The FWG ensures that the financial operations are in line with regulatory requirements, support the mission and objectives of the charity, and maintain financial sustainability for the benefit of its beneficiaries.
The Fundraising Working Group
The Fundraising Working Group (FWG) of The Lambourn Almshouses is established to lead, coordinate, and oversee all fundraising efforts for the charity. The FWG is responsible for identifying funding needs, securing diverse funding sources, and ensuring successful applications and management of funds to support the charity’s mission and goals.
The Maintenance Working Group
The Maintenance Working Group (MWG) of The Lambourn Almshouses is established to manage and oversee all aspects of maintenance for the Lambourn Almshouses and grounds. The MWG ensures that the properties are kept to a high standard and remain safe, functional, and well-maintained. The MWG is also responsible for managing utilities and services contracts to ensure the effective operation of the buildings.