Find out more about The Lambourn Almshouses

Our Charity

Information about our charity, our history, our objectives, how we are organised, our policies, how we are funded and who are the trustees.

Our Homes

11 homes make up the Lambourn Almshouses. The homes are available on a long term basis to those in the community who have fallen on hard times. Find out how to apply for a home.

Our Development Project

We have engaged in an ambitious and exciting project to convert the adjacent disused Chapel into 9 new homes for those who have fallen on hard times.

News Updates

We publish regular news updates to keep our residents, the community, our donors and all stakeholders up to date with developments. Here you can access all news articles published.


We rely on donations as a major source of income to keep the homes in order and to be able to invest in improvements. Your donation is very welcome indeed.

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Our Latest News

Here are the three latest news articles. Please visit the Our News section to view all articles.

A place to call my own…

For over 500 years, the Lambourn Almshouses have provided homes for people in need. Now, one of its newest residents is settling in, marking a major milestone in his life. Having spent a few weeks Read more…

Building work progresses at a pace

Exciting developments are underway at the historic Methodist Chapel site in Lambourn. The Grade II listed chapel, acquired by the Lambourn Almshouses in 2017, is being transformed to provide much-needed homes for the community. Inside Read more…

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